Happy Groundhog Day! Today residents all over Long Island turn their attention to watch two resident Groundhogs – Malverne Mel, and Holtsville Hal forecast their Winter 2020 predictions. Unlike last year, this morning, both Holtsville Hal and Malverne Mel saw their shadows. According to groundhog lore, that means winter will linger for six weeks longer.
“At Sunrise this morning I was frightened to see, a shadow in the shape of me,” Brookhaven Highway Superintendent Daniel P. Losquadro said this morning while reading Hal’s prediction at the Holtsville Ecology Center. “I scurried back in side to return to my slumber, but not before warning you to stock up on your lumber. Spring will have to wait, there’s still more shoveling to do. Six more weeks of winter we can look forward to.”
America’s most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, does not agree with our local groundhogs and predicted an early end to winter this year. Actually Phil, Staten Island Chuck, upstate New York’s Dunkirk Dave, Connecticut’s Chuckles, and New Jersey’s Milltown Mel all did not see their shadows this morning.
Whoever’s predictions you decide to believe, the Spring equinox is six weeks away on March 19th.